Mission Statement and Ethos

Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara is a medium-sized school serving a rural community that is mixed in both religion and socio-economic class. It is a Catholic school, and this ethos is promoted sincerely, but in a spirit of tolerance and respect for the beliefs of all who attend the school.

The school aims to teach the skills that are needed to develop each child’s intellect. Its aims are also to imbue the children with appropriate spiritual, moral and cultural values and to develop their awareness and understanding of their environment at a local, national and global level. The school seeks to promote the physical and emotional wellbeing of all pupils, and to develop their expressive, artistic, creative and intellectual abilities to each pupil’s full capacity.

The teachers will work in a spirit of partnership with the parents and the clergy for the good of the children and they aim to make the school a happy and effective place for learning.

Vision Statement

Our school vision states that we wish to promote and develop an environment where each child will be given equal opportunity to develop his/her full potential, through an enjoyable experience of learning.

This environment should encourage a positive self-esteem, consideration for and acceptance of others in an atmosphere of tolerance.

Feb 19
Music Generation All Classes
Feb 20
School Closed Midterm Break 20/21st of February
Feb 21
Mobile Library
Feb 21
Mobile Library
Brittas Bay N.S.,
Scoil Realt Na Mara,
Brittas Bay
Co Wicklow
A67 XP71

© 2025 Brittas Bay N.S.