School Tours/Days out/school visits
School tours and field trips are organised every year. These are good educational and social occasions for children and teachers and all are encouraged to participate. These trips also provide good memories for the children of their time at school. Value for money, length of the day, keeping with the curriculum, weather dependency and health and safety are a priority. The children are given details of the school tour well in advance giving them the opportunity to save the cost. When extra supervision is required parents (Garda Vetted) are asked to come along.
There will also be other days out including visits to the Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh for Tree Day, ESB Science Blast, Glendalough Education Programme and Beach days. Not all classrooms go every year. This depends on the class curriculum that year. The school has many educational experts visit the school to benefit the children. These among others include speakers on animals/birds, water safety, heritage specialists, drumming instructors, pottery artists and storytellers.
This year's tours/Visits
- Glendalough National Park
- Turlough Hill
- Baltinglass Adventure Centre
- Squirrel Scramble
- Woodfield House
- Fighting Words workshops.
- ESB Science Blast
- Dáil Éireann
- Marine Institute inhouse visit.
- Merck Science Truck in house visit.
- Heritage Speaker- Aidan Doherty in house visit.
- David Day Jabba Jabba Jembe Percussion Workshop
- Dominican College musical.
- St Mary's College musical.